Saturday, November 26, 2011

Sign Language Quilt Story

Bonita is one of our customers. She made a Sign Language quilt for her great-granddaughter-in-law who earned her degree in Deaf Education. Here is a picture of her quilt.

I recently received an email from a gentleman who saw the quilt. He asked to be connected to Bonita because he wanted to do something for a special person. I gave his contact information to Bonita. Turns out he wants to do a similar quilt for a baby in a baby blocks setting.

It is unbelievable that technology allows babies to have their hearing tested at birth. We were lucky enough to be in the room when they tested our granddaughter in the hospital. Here is a picture of Tristyn's hearing test.

It's amazing that the Internet can bring people together with common interests who would never "meet" otherwise. In this case a beautiful quilt for a very special baby will be the outcome of a chance meeting through our website.

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